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Record Keeping

Just as a foundation must be laid before a house can be built, so must a person or company prepare its records as without good records, informed decisions cannot be made. At JMD Consulting Group, it is always nice to have everything prepared for us in advance to make informed recommendations to you.  However, if these records are not prepared or do not exist, instead of holding up the entire decision-making process, we can simply assist you to organize your records

JMD Consulting Group stands ready to help organize your company, your portfolio, your division, or your life in any way we can.  We are prepared to help you organize your records, if you have records, or build your records from your own, raw data, if you do not. This data can include bank statements, receipts, invoices, bills, credit card statements, etc. We work with teams of bookkeepers and administrators who are skilled in the latest accounting software, and can help organize you, so we can start to plan and get you in the right direction as quickly as possible.  

Let JMD Consulting Group assist you with your record keeping and organizational needs. 

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