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Pre Start Up Phase

Yes, you can actually be earlier in business than the “Startup Phase.” We call it the  “Pre-Startup Phase”. 


At JMD Consulting Group, a Pre-Startup is a raw idea. It may be an idea for a business, it may be an idea for a service, it may be an idea for a product, or it may be all three.  But in any case, this represents what we call the “Pre-Pre Phase” (pre-entity and pre-revenue phase) when the founder does not even have an entity


This is the Phase where most professionals will run away from you and shout from a distance, “you are too early - call us when you are further along”.


Assume that you have built a car and to bring it to market, all you need is the gas. At this phase, the investor’s role is to provide the gas for a piece of your company. Simple, right? However, in the Pre-Startup Phase, you may have “an idea for a car”, but no actual car yet, and because of this, most investors will run. So, no money equals no progress and no progress equals stagnation. Thus, instead of bringing your car idea to market, you are spending your time explaining why it is taking so long. It really builds humility when someone with a fraction of your drive and talent says, “why is it taking so long? I would have been done already by now.”

This is the part where most entrepreneurs want to go to the highest mountain they can find and scream. But here is the good news. 

JMD Consulting Group is experienced in this area and can help you obtain the tools necessary to move your ball down the field. 

Give JMD Consulting Group a call to discuss your ideas and your vision. 

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