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Crisis Management

Let’s face it, when a Crisis hits, it can be alarming. Either you were blindsided by some issue or event, or you knew it was coming for a long time, but in either case, it can rattle even the strongest. Whatever your Crisis is, we are here to help you. JMD Consulting Group is skilled in Crisis Management. Our team of experienced professionals are used to working under intense pressure and with tight deadlines. No matter how bad the storm may be, we know that with our guidance, on the other side of the storm can be a beautiful day.  Our job is to help get you through it as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

Some Examples Of Crises that We Have Seen

  • You are a partner in a firm, and you discover that your partners are being less than honorable.

  • You are a partner in a firm, and you discover that your partners are planning to fire you and throw you out.

  • You were a partner in a firm, and you were just asked or forced to leave.

  • You were recently fired from a position and you believe it was unjustified.

  • You are uneasy in your job over some issue or event and would like an assessment of your options.

  • You feel you may be terminated from your employment for an unjust reason and would like to know your options.

  • You are an entertainer who is asked to sign contracts quickly and are hesitant on what to do.

  • You have a product or company idea that you want to show people and need to move quickly, but are not sure if you are protected.  

  • You received a notice that you need to deal with and either do not know where to begin, just do not want to deal with it alone, or rather just have someone else deal with it for you.  

  • You have properties in foreclosure or other property-related issues, and you need guidance.

  • For whatever reason, you need to form one or more entities to protect your assets, but you do not know how to proceed.

  • You have a pressing insurance issue that needs to be addressed.

  • You are having marital issues, or are getting divorced, and would like to know how this could affect your assets

  • You are having marital issues, or are getting divorced, and it is not going the way you hoped, and feel that you and your attorneys could use some support.  

  • A loved one just passed and there are issues with the assets of the estate that need to be dealt with.

  • A loved one just passed and there are disputes over the disbursement of the assets.

  • You have a diversity of assets, and an issue arose forcing you to do some estate planning quickly and you are not sure where to begin. 

  • You were just served with papers, are being sued, and want to know your options on how to proceed.

  • You feel you were wronged by someone or something and are considering a suit against them but do not know where to begin.

  • Some emergency issue just arose out of nowhere and you need to know your options quickly.

These are just some of the crisis issues that JMD Consulting Group can help you with. 

Steps We Take in Crisis Management - Summary

In many cases, we start by doing a “deep dive” into your issues. We give you an assessment of your issues through our perspective.  We then present you with a list of options for you to consider and tell you which options we think you should pursue. Once you select your option(s) (which now is your compass and direction), we then lay out a detailed plan on how to best pursue that path. This plan can include, among other things, a list of all additional and supporting teammates you may need, such as forensic accountants; an audit firm; technology partners; and most times, specialized attorneys that are brought in for very specific issues and scope. Finally, we help you carry out your plan. Taking on this process alone, can be overwhelming and having the wrong team can be costly in many ways. 

Give us a call. JMD Consulting Group stands ready to help you with your crisis.  

And for a more detailed look at the steps JMD Consulting Group may use in your Crisis Management engagement, click the link below.  

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