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Some FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does JMD Consulting Group only work with large firms in general?
    No. We recommend professionals to our clients who are the best people for that specific task and not based upon the size of their firm. These professionals need to be competent in specific areas, and laser-focused on our client’s tasks until the engagement has concluded. Because we would have already established a detailed plan, we would know exactly what the issues are and exactly what services are needed, so we can help you to engage these professionals with a “limited scope” and often, a predetermined budget, so the process remains organized, clear, and efficient as possible under the circumstances. So, large or small, the professional's and firm’s skills take precedence over the size of any firm.
  • Does JMD Consulting Group take on a lot of clients at once?
    No. JMD Consulting Group is a small, boutique consulting practice comprised of leading industry experts. We are not looking for volume. We are looking for clients and issues that interest us and ones that we believe we can help. So, by design, we choose only to handle several client issues at once and will turn away, or postpone, client services until the time is right for us.
  • Will JMD Consulting Group take on any client that comes its way?
    No. Unlike many other firms that may take on any client, JMD Consulting Group is very particular on the types of clients and issues we take on. Just as a client may have an interview process, so does JMD Consulting Group.
  • Does JMD Consulting Group only work with large law firms?
    No. The size of the firm is less important to us than the attorney’s or firm’s skills and proficiency. These attorneys need to be competent in specific areas, and laser-focused on our client’s tasks until the engagement has concluded. Because we would have already established a detailed plan, we would know exactly what the issues are and exactly what services are needed, so we can help you to engage these professionals with a “limited scope” and often, a predetermined budget, so the process remains organized, clear, and efficient as possible under the circumstances. So, large or small, the attorney’s and firm’s skills take precedence over the size of any firm.
  • Does JMD Consulting Group only perform services in the New York area?
    No. JMD Consulting Group can perform services for any person, group, or entity anywhere in the United States or beyond. Advances in technologies such as web-meetings, web cameras, and secure electronic file sharing methods, have helped us to create a virtual system that allows us to perform services privately, effectively, and efficiently anywhere in the United States or beyond. And of course, with airline travel, we can attend any meeting with a moment’s notice and be there in-person anytime such meeting is necessary.
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