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Crisis Management Phases

For those clients who like a little more detail, below is a deeper look at some of the steps JMD Consulting Group may use for your Crisis Management engagement.  

The Phases we use in Crisis Management

JMD Consulting Group uses methodical steps to help you to solve your issues.  Although these steps vary by client and circumstance, our steps usually include the following:   


Phase 1 - Deep Dive into Your Issues

We start by doing a deep dive into your issues which we call your “Discovery Phase”. In this phase, we look not only at the issues themselves and all the supporting documentation, but also how these issues affect other areas of your life or organization. Many times, this first phase becomes a good time to “reevaluate the past structures” and “freshen things up”, to create a better and more organized tomorrow for you, and that often leads to other areas or our practice.  See "Issue Management" and "Business Development and Growth". 

Phase 2 - Assessment of Your Issues

Once the Discovery Phase is completed, we then go into our “Assessment and Analysis Phase”.  In this phase, we give you an assessment and analysis of your issues through our perspective. This is where our diversity of knowledge and years of experience come into play. Ten different firms can give you their views, but many times, our advice is different or unique. Common sense and simplicity are always the cornerstones of our suggestions. Simply put, we “think out of the box”. 

Phase 3 - Your Options

Once this Assessment and Analysis Phase is completed, we then enter what we call your “Options Phase”. In this phase, we present you with a list of options for you to consider that we believe could work for you with your situation.  It is not uncommon for a client to “think” they have only “one or two options” but through our extensive diligence and fact-finding process, we end up discovering more options than the client originally thought possible and many times, the option they end up pursuing, is one of those new options we just discovered and presented. It is also not uncommon for us to be engaged after a client has been working with other professionals and they are unhappy with the pace, the direction, or the results. “Mess cleanup” from other firms, unfortunately, is one of the areas in which we are frequently engaged. In those instances, the first thing the client frequently wants are the prior firms fired, but typically, that is not what we do. You see, even though they may not have made a good lead firm, if they acted honestly, and genuinely tried to help, they may still make a good supporting team member if managed correctly. In a crisis, it is imperative that you focus intensely on the matter at hand and the last thing you need is to be arguing with your professionals. At JMD Consulting Group, we support the idea of trying to keep qualified team members on board in some capacity.  This approach is usually good for everyone involved and helps keep things moving in the right direction. 

Phase 4 - Our Thoughts

Once your Options Phase is completed, we then enter what we call our “Thoughts Phase”.  In this phase, we give you our opinion as to which option or options we believe you should pursue in light of all of the information discovered in the other phases.  Although we will give you our thoughts, your final choice of direction is always “your decision” as it is “your matter” and “only you” should decide what direction you are comfortable pursuing. 

Phase 5 – You Select an Option

Once our “Thoughts Phase” is completed, we then enter what we call your “Direction Phase”. In this Phase, you will select the option or options you wish to pursue and set our direction for this crisis. Think of this phase like someone entering an address into a car navigation system. The steps to get there have not been calculated yet, but by entering in that specific address, at least you have decided exactly where you would like to go. 


Phase 6 – Detailed Roadmap

Once your “Direction Phase” is completed, we then enter what we call your “Plan Phase”. In this phase, we lay out a detailed plan for you on how to best pursue your direction. Again, using the car navigation example from above, in the Direction Phase, you entered the exact direction you wish to go. Now, in this Plan Phase, the system would give you the steps on how to get to your destination in an efficient manner. This phase will include, among other things, a list of all additional and supporting teammates you may need such as forensic accountants; an audit firm; technology partners; and most times, specialized attorneys that are brought in for very specific issues and scope. 

For example, although there may be litigation and litigators would be involved, your issue may also involve trademark issues, civil rights issues, or employment issues. In these instances, we may suggest that we bring in a proficient trademark attorney, civil rights attorney, or employment attorney to assist and support the matter. Although this may seem like it could get expensive, many times, it ends up being reasonable. Why? Because we would have already established a detailed plan, we would know exactly what the issues are and exactly what services are needed, so we can help you to engage these professionals with a “limited scope” and often, a predetermined budget, so the process remains organized, clear, and as efficient as possible under the circumstances. Whatever your desired outcome may be (e.g.: a settlement, the sale of an asset, a resolution to your dispute or issue, etc.), JMD Consulting Group is here to help you. 

For more information, click the links below to read about the "Role of Friends and Family in a Crisis" and the "Role of Attorneys".  

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